Monday, March 18, 2013

Another Sample Sunday

Sorry I'm late. Been a busy day, but I haven't forgot about sample Sunday. After some browsing of the newest book I came upon a part I found just great. One of those parts that make you smile. Do any of you know someone like this? Enjoy and have a great week!

“I don’t know why I am here,” Nick said, he unbuttoned his jacket as he sat down next to Elle at Sadie’s funeral service. “I didn’t even know the girl.”
“Because I’d rather have you here with me than Pauly or our mother,” Elle whispered.
She watched more and more people fill the seats all around them.
“You owe me big time. I was supposed to golf today with Dad,” Nick settled back into his seat and threw his arm around the back of his sister’s. He watched all the mourners, shaking his head every few minutes and muttering to himself.
“It’s called supporting someone. And stop acting like you’re at the movies. This is someone’s funeral,” Elle reminded him.
“What happened to her?” Nick stared at the casket. “You think it was something awful seeing its shut?” He nodded at the man in front of them that looked over his shoulder with a frown on his face.
“I didn't ask. It’s not something you just ask about,” Elle snapped. “Be quiet before we are the first people ever to get thrown out of a funeral.
Elle fidgeted in her seat, her cheeks warm as more eyes gravitated in their direction. Her brother could be so insensitive sometimes.
Elle recognized Sadie’s mother as she stood up to speak.
“Sadie was my only daughter. The light of my life. And although she lived the last half of her life on the wrong side of the tracks, she still was my little girl. She just was my little girl with problems. More problems than she could handle. I always asked Sadie if things could be perfect, what would you want, baby? And she always had the same answer. She would laugh and then look me in the eye and tell me, if everything was perfect what would be the point, Mom? I’m going to miss hearing her laugh. I’m going to miss her phone calls. I’m going to miss her imperfections,” Sadie’s mother said. She wiped at her eyes and took her seat.
Elle follwed the line of people to pay her respect to Sadie. She stared at her feet as the line moved closer and closer to Sadie’s casket.
“Do you want to get lunch after this?” Nick whispered.
“Shut up,” Elle hissed. She straightened up when she was in front of Sadie’s mom. “Ms. Harris. I’m sorry about Sadie.”

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